aStore Best Buy

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How To Get The Right Advice When Buying Ducted Air Conditioning!

I have been involved in air conditioning for over 18 years owned and built some of the largest air conditioning companies in Australia.

It constantly upsets me that people who purchase ducted air conditioning are relying on the advice of so called consultants when honestly, around 80% of them are interested in one thing and one thing only and that is to close the sale at any cost.

Here are some tips that you should use to ensure you never get taken advantage of when purchasing your air conditioning.

1) Make sure the consultant inspects your proximity to your neighbors. Council have very tough laws now and actually make people remove air conditioning systems.

2) Ensure that the consultant asks you how you live in your home. Do you have children, are they in the bedrooms at the same time that you are in the family area. If so then you need a system that will air condition the whole home at one time.

Alternatively, if there are only two of you in the home then you probably only need capacity to air condition half of your home at a time.

3) Your consultant should have a tape measure or laser measure and calculate the following items in your home.

  • a)The square area of your glass and the aspect of the sun hitting it.
  • b)Do you have the curtains closed when running the system or do you want to leave them open.
  • c)Height of the ceiling
  • d)Is the ceiling insulated
  • e)Is your house up on piers or on a concrete slab.
  • f)what is the construction of your home, eg brick veneer or fibro.

There are around 7 other factors that they need to take into account but you get the idea.

Before you select the company to do your work you should ask to see the calculations they made to determine the capacity of your air conditioning system.

If they cannot show you this then you should not select them. You are making a major investment in your home and if you select the wrong capacity you cannot change it. You are stuck with a white elephant.

Finally, ask the consultant for three recent written testimonials or phone numbers of happy clients.

If you follow these steps then you are fairly safe to proceed. The final step is to ask for their air conditioning license.

Until next time. Stay Cool.

Ian Marsh
How To Always Get The Best Deal On Air conditioning
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